Farmer's Journal

See regular updates and happenings from the farm


Farmer’s Journal


Planning For New Beds


One focus for us this Winter has been planning the layout of our farm, specifically the location of 2 future beds for planting annual and perennial flowers. When deciding on where to place a bed, many factors have to be considered like:

- How much sun ☀ does an area get?

- Does the terrain drain well?

- Is the area within reach of our watering system?

In addition to these functional considerations, we also look for a location that visually seems right with respect to the other beds. Once we make a decision on the location, then comes the task of making the area square or rectangular shaped. Geometry and long tape measures are quite handy for this.

With the beds marked, in comes the equipment to turn the soil and then the area is covered with a large silage tarp to use “Occultation” to kill the weeds. You could say we pulled the covers over the bed.

The 2 beds we prepared in February will be used for planting perennial flowers and summer annuals.
