Farmer's Journal

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Farmerโ€™s Journal


Reclaiming Our Old Shed

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Inside of the new Flower Cooler ๐ŸŒธ

Inside of the new Flower Cooler ๐ŸŒธ

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Back in 2018, we began the conversion of an old (and I mean old) hand built ๐Ÿ”จ shed into a flower cooler ๐ŸŒธ. Given the starting condition of this shed, we knew we were in for an extended project timeline, but now we are getting close to celebrating the completion. Here is a quick review of our project and some challenges we faced. In phase 1, we had to first repair a giant hole in the roof before putting on a new roof. For phase 2, we removed the damaged siding, fixed part of the foundation and applied new paint to the outside. Next, we began phase 3 with insulating the inside. Here is where the challenging part also began. Given an odd ceiling shape and the settling of the structure, every piece of rigid insulation was custom cut (some several times) to fit the out-of-square walls and ceiling. Finally after several weeks of cutting insulation boards, foaming gaps and taping seams, we are ready to move to the last phase, putting in the electric connection and starting up the Coolbot.

Jeff NageleComment